"AndhraPradesh With Three Capitals "

         After bifurcation of Andhra pradesh, the most pressing issue with government is  were to establish capital is became a challenge. We know capital of state or a country are engines for growth and development. But today the phase  of development is changing with time to time. However with the entry of new year 2020 announcing the three capitals for state of Andhrapradesh became hot topic for news papers and media. 

      Observing the history of Indus Valley civilisation so called first phase of urbanisation, can notice different sites of Harappa has urban phenomenon ,each site has different characteristics, were urban sites depend each other with comparative advantage. Due to this administrative process of  Indus Valley civilisation became more self sufficient  with efficient administration, free flow of goods, services, development , with peace and harmony. 

       In modern phenomenon the urban process can be seen in the name of capital region, for instance when Delhi was the capital of a country for many ruling dynasties and now, were development took place in administration, infrastructure development, employment and with integrated sphere of cultural development. Many voices raised over period of time for  second capital for a country because severe climate change phenomenon in capital region and civilians are suffering with climatic conditions. Having one or more capital's ultimately depend on the Parliament decision. 

       In federal state like India, many regional issues  arise like separate state,few states fulfill their dream with sincere efforts  now India is having 28 states and 9 union territories. But in 2014 bifurcation of Andhra pradesh lead the serious issue with capital, that also lead to changes in different spheres. With the foundation of Amaravati as a capital of Andhra pradesh has fill the new aspirations among investors and people of Andhrapradesh. However there are  many voices were development is again taking place at one place.This became a core issue of political parties and civil society, and investors. 

         Knowing history is for better understanding  future problems. In case of Andhra pradesh with capital of Hyderabad, were development take place one place,many people has migrated. But when bifurcation took place many people worried about the development. For Most masses development means accessing all aminities  effectively, for investors it's production, for political it is administration, for students it is for employment, for global it is connecting.

            Today in globalisation world were  few drivers play important role for better development process. Capital region, incentives given by government, natural resources of the region, Demography dividend, growth and finally cultural emotions  region of the people.Today having three different capitals in Andhra pradesh is an inclusive step for development process. Inclusive development means accessing and inclusive all section of regions and society in administratively, politically, economically and  historically and culturally. 
Executive capital :Vishakapatnam strageic  Place for economic growth for Andhrapradesh which also contribute for 5 trillion economy. Geographically Andhrapradesh has great advantage with coastal line 974 kilometers, where coastal region is good sources for development and growth. Example The Vishakha-Chennai industrial corridor project boost infrastructure, employment, and industrial growth. However for this  project needed require huge investment, connectivity, infrastructure , low cost facilities. For better implementation of this process, freeflow of administrative process for easing the business. Also where coastal region helpful in look east policy, with connecting ASEAN countries that help in trade policy. Districts like Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram remained backward region for many years, with capital region,the process development will be enhanced with better connectivity and communication. Also revenue generation factors like mines and minerals also rich in this region, this results to new investments new investments and revenue were enhanced to the state. where as regional emotions of the people were wiped out with executive capital . With linkage with other states better cordial relations with neighbouring states.  However in this executive capital also helpful international exercises, bilateral meetings, tourism, Martine exercises helpful in recognitions the culture of Andhrapradesh. Despite, the development practices, there are few challenges langes with this capital arrangement, infrastructure, demand real estate prices, land acquisition, mobility, environment quality factors,ecological disturbances administrative factors, these need to be solved through multi dimensionally and strategically. 

Judicial capital :kurnool 

                  Andhrapradesh is the  second state having judicial capital in India after uttarpradesh . For Understanding the judicial capital, need to connect historical event withSri Bhag agreement which held in madras in 1937, provisions mentioned in agreement, that capital and high court need to taken establish in different regions. At that time many leaders propose the Highcourt need to establish in the kurnool. Today the promise has been fulfilled with judicial capital,With this initiative, the regional emotions are connected with people that they promise has been fulfilled, at same time connectivity has been increase, Administrative institutions will be setup for effective processing.This result generation of infrastructure, development, communication and connectivity, revenue, and employment. Also in future the judicial capital can become second seat of Supreme court . This also indication of inclusive development of regions. Regional connectivity between neighbouring states also helpful. 

Legislative capital :Amaravati :

                    After bifurcation of Andhrapradesh has chosen Amaravati as capital of Andhrapradesh . It significance lies on historical background, all over the world. But due unconditional financial support from  union of India and large investment support needed, so learning from past history, development at one place may divide emotion people of Andhrapradesh. So recent decision of legislative capital forward step for inclusive and sustainable development . Amaravati region occupies huge fertile land with huge production of agriculture. At the  sametime center of state is also put forward easeing the process in legislative domain. The government of Andhrapradesh need to look forward the land which was collected for capital development. 

        Developement process  became core of the core issue after bifurcation of Andhrapradesh. . With the changing with time to time the concept of developement became more uncertainty also, this can be understood in Hyderabad capital development were it created regional imbalances. Also there are many Challanges were faceses  by present urban cities in india,like migrations of people, urban resilience with population growth. So this can be understood that having three capitals can provide agile governance for service delivery in the Andhrapradesh state . Government needs to adopt new development approaches with changeing from time to time as per  good will of people,strategic approach, then only it will be a people capital. So Andhra pradesh initiative with three capital is reference to a inclusive capital with decentralisation approach. 

Dynamic leadership will shows pathway to fulfill aspirations of the people, in democratic country like India emotions of people are more priorior for the development. Better leader for better development,developement lead to fulfillment dreams of people. 


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