APPSC Group - 1 Mains expected areas in science and Technology Paper by EducatorIAS

 APPSC Group - 1 Mains expected areas in science and Technology Paper by EducatorIAS 

1)What do you mean by Internet of Things? It is expected to be biggest technological revolution? Examine its impacts on India sectors? 

2) How Science and Technology  and innovation have instrumental and Intrinsic value for society! Give with Examples?

3)What is Quantum computing? Discuss it  missions goals and Road map for Quantum computing Technology in India? 

4) To enhance science and Technology based entrepreneurship in India what are the steps taken by government of India? Explain the role of public policy and incubators in promoting science and technology?

5) What is Edge computing? Discuss it advantages  and disadvantages of edge computing?

6) Discuss the salient  features of National Digital communication policy 2018? Explain how the national digital communication policy fulfill the dream of Digital India?

7) What do you mean by Data breach? Discuss sailent features of Personal Data protection Bill 2019?

8) what do you mean by NET Neutrality ? Discuss major recommendation of Telecom regulatory Authority of India on net neutrality? 

9) What is Internet of Everything? Explain the Difference between Internet of Things and Internet of Everything? Give with suitable examples? 

10) Define the following? With suitable examples? 

  1. Internet  of Things

  2. Internet of Everything 

  3. Array of Things 

11) Define industry 4.0? Discuss it features and it impact on India? 

12) Discuss the role of women in science and Technology India? Enumerate schemes for empowering women in science and technology  in India? 

13) "Technology is destiny but technology must also be Equity" Comment? 

14) Discuss new technology missions in India for achievement  better performance in science and technology? (PM STAIC missions) 

15) Discuss the concerns and challenges in the proliferation and use of science and technology in India? With suitable examples? 

16)"Science should help solve socio-economic problems and scientific research should be extended from the labs to the land.”Comment? 

17) Enumerate major grassroots innovations  which lead India to be foster inclusive development in the first ld of science and technology? 

18) Enumerate Major scientific institutions which are located in Andhrapradesh? 

19) Discuss the role Entrepreneurs in the field of science and Technology and national building? 

20) Explain how India's Contribution in the field of science and Technology became source of service? 

21) “To create a world class ‘technology start-up ecosystem’ by fostering ‘entrepreneurship and a culture of 

innovation’ which contributes to increased knowledge, wealth and employment in our society.”Discuss salient  features of Andhrapradesh Innovation and Startup policy? 

22)Explain the background and sailent features of cyber surakshti bharat programme? Discuss major steps taken by Government to check hacking and cyber crimes in India? 

24)Why does India need strong cybersecurity policy? Give some of the recommendation for strong cyber security policy

25)What is malware? Describe how malware were used in the era of digital age?what measures need to be taken by government for national security

26)Discuss salient  features National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems (NM-ICPS)? 

27)Do you think National Supercomputing Mission is  a transformative approach in supercomputing? 

28) What is Digital signature? what does it authentication mean? Give various salient  built in features of a digital signature? 

29)Discuss India achievements in space science and technology ? How the application of this technology has helped India in its socio economic development? 

30) Opening up private player to enter  in space sector in India? critically examine? 

31) Discuss the salient  features of Indian Space Policy? What are the salient features of the Space Activities Bill, 2017? Examine how the use of outer space by ISRO has helped common man in India.

32)Discuss the Benefits, implementation strategy  and Impact of India's Gaganyaan Programme to India? 

33)To encourage the scientific talent and increase scientific pool in the Country . Enumerate programmes initiated by India and Andhrapradesh governments ? 

34) What is India 'S Plan to have its own space station and how will it benefit our space Programme? 

35) Discuss the salient   features of the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan 2020?

36) With growing needs should India keep on expanding its nuclear energy programme? Discuss the facts  and fears associated with nuclear energy? 

37)Examine the contribution made by clean energy sources in India?  what are the major efforts we're taken by the Government to meet the targets of renewable energy in the country? 

38)Discussed the strategy adopted by India in   potential of making India a global hub for solar PV manufacturing? 

39) What do you mean by energy security? Discuss major efforts made by government of India  for eco friendly energy security in India? 

40) Give an account the growth and development of Nuclear science and Technology in India? What is the advantage of  faster breeder reactor programme in India? 

41) What is Biogas? Discuss advantages of Biogas? What are government initiatives for promoting Biogas? Explain salient  features of National Biofuel policy? 

42) How digital Technology and innovation impacting the public sector and changing people life everyday? Give suitable examples? 

43) Discuss  significance and benefits and ,applications of lithium ion cell technology in India? 

44) limiting the increase in global temperatures to 1.5 degree Celsius is the key goal of the Paris climate accord is possible, but requires more ambitious reduction ? Discuss India strategy for limiting global warming to 1.5 degree Celsius ? 

45) Resource efficiency has emerged as one of the key strategies towards the 2030 agenda of achieving the sustainable development goal? Comment? 

46)Climate change is not only an environment concern but also an economic one . Discuss How climate change impact on blue economy?

47)what is climate justice ?Explain India proactive role in climate change and its corrective actions and India strategies for climate justice?

48)India has set ambitious targets towards the achievement of the dual goals of climate action and sustainable development through its nationally determined contributions and energy access commitments.where India stands in achieving its targets as well as to identify the key challenges being faced during this transition?

49)Explain the important role for sustainable ocean industries in reducing carbon emissions and adapting to the impacts of climate change?

50)What do you mean by by India Nationally Determined contribution? Explain it features? 

51) What are the essentials Required for climate finance to take climate actions effectively? Elaborate? 

52) What is Green Energy? Explain the polices envisaged by the Government of India to promote green energy sources? 

53) Discuss Guidelines give by National Diaster management authority for cloud Burst? Urban flooding,? Heatwave? Landslides? Cyclones? Earthquake Boat safety? Fire safety? 

54) Explain climate change and its impact  on the world? 

55)Elaborate the impact of National Watershed project in increasing agriculture  production from water stressed areas? 

56)Climate  change is a global problem? Discuss how India affected by climate change? How Himalayas and costal states of India will be effected by climate change? 

57)Discuss the reasons for urban ooding, highlight the mechanism for preparedness to reduce the risk during such events? provide NDMA guidelines on urban flooding? 

58) What do you mean by social forestry? Discuss its advantages and disadvantages? 

59) Discuss the salient  features of the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana

60) Examine the status of fishery sector in India? Discuss the major efforts made the Government of India and Andhrapradesh to boost the fishery sector in India and Andhrapradesh? 

61)Discuss salient  features of Andhrapradesh sand mining policy? How it is impacted on infrastructure sector in Andhrapradesh? 

62) Explain the salient features of the National Mineral policy 2019? 

63) Discuss the major guidelines provided by the Ministry of environment and forest and climate change  for solid waste management ? Discuss major efforts made government for effective solid waste management in India and Andhrapradesh? 

64)  Discuss major sources of air pollution? Suggest preventive measures to control air pollution? India strategy on controlling air pollution? 

65) Discuss the causes and remedial measure  for controlling soil erosion and costal erosion in coastal region of Andhrapradesh? 

66) Examine the role  and its impact of Information and technology in Environment and Human health? 

67) What is Acid Rain? Briefly explain its environmental consequences and enumerate the controlling measures? 

68)  Suggest some of the reversion need to be taken in wild life protection act 1972?Do you think India need to move hyper legal to technocratic approach for protecting Environment? 

69)Recently India targeted to end TB by 2025, What is TB? How it is  caused and it is prevented, Discuss India strategy on to TB free India?

70) Explain the difference between Bacterial, viral, protozoal  and fugal infection, with common infections that caused daily life? 

71) What are the vaccines? Explain how vaccine works? Why they are important? Enumerate major vaccines in India? 

72) Discuss major components of the National Health mission in India? What are efforts made by India for meeting SDG three good health and wellbeing? 

73) What are the clinical trials? Discuss the process followed  clinical trials in India? 

74) what is Zika virus? Explain government approach for controlling Zika virus? What are guidelines issued by for Co - trolling and action plan for Zika virus? 

75) What is Acute Encephalitis syndrome? What are the steps taken by government for controlling Acute Encephalitis syndrome? 

76) What is viral hapatisis? Discuss silent features of National viral Hepatitis control programme? 

77) What is Haemophilia? What are  the steps taken by government of Andhrapradesh for welfare of the Haemophilia patients? 

78) Discuss major causes of Dengue? How it is prevented? Suggest some of the recommendation for effective prevention of dengue? What are  the guidelines issues by the National vector borne disease control programme for prevention and control of dengue? 

79) Why Elimination of lymphatic filariasis still a Challange in India? Explain? 

80) Explain the following? 

  1.  what is Down syndrome? 

  2. What is blue Baby syndrome? 

81) What is medical Biotechnology? Discuss its role on human welfare? 

82)Explain the salient  features of the National intellectual property policy? What are the issues related to IPR in the field of science and technology ? 

83) What is Bio piracy? Discuss how traditional knowledge  is to be protected? 

84) Explain the difference between the Patent, trade mark, Geographical indication, eco mark, brand with suitable examples? 


  1. Can you provide answers for allbthese science and technology questions for appsc group 1


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