APPSC Group, - 1 Mains Paper - 4 expected areas in Economy and Development of India and Andhrapradesh

 APPSC Group, - 1 Mains Paper - 4 expected areas in Economy and Development of India and Andhrapradesh

Chapter 1:

  1. Explain the nature of  Indian Growth, and Examine  it is inconsistent in terms growth in recent years and it impact on indian economy? 

  1.  Discuss major drivers of economy growth of India? Give reasons for  in recent years there was inconsistent growth rate? 

  1. Why manufacturing sector  in India register low growth rate? What are the major causes and  steps taken by government to promote and to stimulate the growth in manufacturing sector in India? 

  1. Distinguish between wholesale price index and consumer price index in India? 

  1. Examine the causes and consequences recent slowdown of economic growth due to the pandemic Covid - 19 in India? What are the measures taken by the government to boost the economy growth India? Give suggestions? 

  1. What are the causes and consequences of inflation in India? What are the initiatives and measures  taken by the RBI to control inflation? Discuss the relevance inflation targeting in India? 

  1. How Rising Crude Prices could Reduce India's Investment Attractiveness? Discuss? 

  1. What is criteria is chosen for devolution of taxes between Centre and state in 15th fiance commision? What are the various recommended by the 15th fiance commision? 

Andhrapradesh Topics 

  1. Examine major reasons behind the Insufficient financial resources and deficiency of capital after the bifurcation Andhrapradesh? 

  1. Discuss the trends of agriculture growth rates in Andhrapradesh after bifurcation? What re the factors responsible for decline agriculture growth rates?Evaluate  the steps taken by the the government to boost the agriculture sector in Andhrapradesh? 

  1. Examine the status of   inclusive growth and sustainable development in Andhrapradesh with suitable examples? 

Chapter 2:

  1. Discuss major revenue implication of Goods and services tax (GST) in india? Why India considered a great leapforward introduction of GST in indian economy? 

  1. Why foreign capital became important source in investments in India? 

  1. Why Government of India  has put in place a liberal and transparent policy for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? Discuss major reforms taken place in foreign direct investment in India? 

  1. The expansinory  impact of fiscal policy is offset  by the rise in the value of currency. Examine the statement in the context of emerging economy? 

  1. a) Differentiate the fiscal policy and monetary policy? 

B) Differentiate the revenue deficit and Fiscal deficit? 

  1. Adoption of PPP model for infrastructure  development projects. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages of PPP model? 

  1. Energy security for an emerging economy is of strategic importance, Discuss the status of major energy resources in India? And map major energy resources in India? 

Chapter 3 Resource Mobilisation in Andhra pradesh :

  1. Explain the significance and features  of Jalayagnam irrigation scheme ? How it benefited for Andhrapradesh? 

  1. With an increase in forest cover by Andhra Pradesh emerged second among States in the country in terms of increase in green cover. Discuss major strategies adopted by Andhrapradesh to increases of Green  cover? 

  1. Discuss the impact of polavaram project  to Andhrapradesh ? What are the measures to be  taken for inter state disputes of polavaram project? 

  2. Discuss the  modalities for implementation of the announcements for providing central assistance to the State of Andhra Pradesh? 

Chapter 4:

  1. Enumerate budget documents presented in the Parliament during budget time? 

  1. What do you mean by green Budgeting? Do you think that it can helpful in tackling the problem of climate change? 

  1. Critically evaluate the problems relating to implementation of GST? 

  1. Explain different types of deficits in India fiscal consolidation? Discuss the success and failures of FRBM act 2003?

  1. What is a Finance Commission?Discuss the functions of finance  commision in India? How did the Fourteenth Finance Commission allocate taxes among states? What will be the impact of FC-14 recommendations on states? 

Chapter 5:

  1. What do you mean budget constraint? How Andhrapradesh government tackling the budget constraints after bifurcation? 

  1. Agreeing that the dispute raging between the Centre and the Andhra Pradesh government over payment of revenue deficit grant for over five years now still remained unresolved?suggest some the measures to resolve issue of the revenue deficit  of Andhrapradesh? 

  1. Review of the financial situation of the State with due attention to the adverse impact of bifurcation 

on the residuary State of Andhra Pradesh? 

  1. Highlight the significance Andhrapradesh budget 2020-2021? 

Chapter 6

  1. Define  Inclusive Growth? Why India's  Growth is not inclusive substantiate? Suggest  measures to strengthen inclusive growth in India 

  2. How agriculture sector play important tool for inclusive growth? Give suitable examples? 

  3. Poverty ellivation and employment generation is the strength of inclusive growth? Discuss? 

  4. Explain the role of public private patnership for inclusive growth in India? 

  5. Critically evaluate inclusiveness and sustainability of growth as the development strategy in India in recent times? 

  6. How can be the organised  sector be revived as a engine of inclusive growth? 

  7. What are the sailent features of inclusive growth? Has India been experiencing such a growth process? Analyze and suggest measures for inclusive growth in India? 


  1. Explain the significance of One Nation One ration? What are the advantages   and disadvantages of One Nation and One ration? How the government andhrapradesh  play key role in distributing the PDS? 

  1. Discuss Andhrapradesh efforts for removing poverty for achieving Sustainable development goal ? What are the Challange face by it?


  1. Enumerate the schemes that empower by the Andhra Pradesh government’s  for inclusive growth? 

Chapter 7:

  1. Explain why the use of organic farming should be   encourage in India? Discuss major initiatives taken  by the government of India for promoting organic farming in India? 

  1. What do you mean by sustainable agriculture? What are the  major pillars for sustainable agriculture in India? Do you think smart agriculture  promotes sustainable agriculture? How government is promoting sustainable agriculture practices 

  1. Discuss the impact of farm loan waiver on agriculture credit and state finances?

  1. Discuss major issues with supply chain management in indian Agriculture? Suggest some of the reforms need to be taken in supply chain management to double the farmers income?

  1. What do you mean by E - Agriculture? List major tools  used for dissertation of information to the farmers in agriculture sector? 

  2. Explain various types of revolutions took place in agriculture after independence in India? How these revolution helped in poverty elleviation and food security? 

  3. What do you mean by Minimum support price? How will MSP rescue the farmers from the low income trap? 

  4. Why is drylands farming significant for Indian farmers? Enumerate various ways to make drylands farming more productive and profitable.

  5. Explain the significance and features  of PM kisan and what are the its implementation Challanges?

  6. What do you mean precision farming? Discuss some of the future oriented smart Agri technology which needs to invested in indian? 

  7. Discuss major resource Conserving Technologies can help achieving higher productivity in resource poor areas? 

Chapter 8

  1. Discuss major key strategies adopted by Andhrapradesh government to make agriculture profitable? 

  2. Explain the significance of the YSR Rythu Bharosa scheme? What are the implementation Challanges faced by Andhrapradesh government? 

  3. What do you mean by Zero budget Natural farming programme? What core principles for ZBNF? Discuss its benefits and implementation process in Andhrapradesh? 

  4. Discuss  Andhrapradesh Government schemes to promote agriculture for inclusive growth? 

  5. What are objectives and benefits of the Agriculture Technology Management? How Andhrapradesh government is implementing of it? 

  6. Andhra Pradesh has favourable agro-climatic conditions for the growth of fisheries and aquaculture sector? Discuss the status, achievements and strategy adopted by Andhrapradesh government for enhanceing it growth? 

  7. Live stock rearing ha big potential for providing non farm employment and income in rural areas? Discuss Andhrapradesh strategy in livestock farming? 

Chapter 9:

  1. Examine the impact of liberalisation and privitisation and globalisation on industrial development? 

  1. The MSME sector is central to India’s growth and job creation and will be key to the pace of India’s economic recovery? Enumerate reforms needed to strengthen MSME sector in India?

  1. Discuss the role of industrial corridors in developement of industry sector  in india? 

  1. Can disinvestment  of public sector enterprises and notion of welfare of state go together? Critically examine? 

  1. Enumerate the causes for industrial sickness in recent years in India? Give suggestions for boosting industry sector in india? 

Chapter 10

  1.  What do you mean by the Structural reforms? What are the reforms has been taken by government of Andhrapradesh to accelerate Industrialisation for creating good ecosystem for investment destination? 

  1. Examine the reasons behind the low growth rate  in industry sector in Andhrapradesh? What re the steps taken by the Andhrapradesh government for boost g industry sector? 

  1. Discuss the role of MSME sector in Andhrapradesh? Enumerate the salient features of the YSR Navodaya scheme? 

  1. Explain the significance and salient features  of Industrial Infrastructure scheme? 

  1. Give a Wayforward to build Andhrapradesh growth path towards large scale industrialisation and job creation? 

Chapter 11:

  1. Indian coastal infrastructure   effects due to climate change? Examine the obstacles for building climate reselience infrastructure  ? Suggest measures for fostering climate resilient development? 

  2. Discuss major Challanges ges faced urban solid waste management? Suggest some the measures for effective implementation solid waste management? 

  3. Enumerate major guidelines  made by the Vijay Kelkar committee for next generation Public private patnership projects in India? 

  4. Discuss the components of smart city initiative ? What are the constraints faced by smartcity? Give Wayforward? 

Chapter 12:

  1. How infrastructure play key role in development in Andhrapradesh? Explain its significance? What are the strategy   pillars for need to be adopted for effective infrastructure development? 

  1. Explain the status of energy sector in Andhrapradesh? What re issues face by government after bifurcation of Andhrapradesh? 

  1. How renewable energy play important role in meeting energy needs of Andhrapradesh? Why power regulatory steps worry about renewable energy sector? 

  2. What is a WEBGIS? How Andhrapradesh government use space application for better implementation of Navratnas scheme? 




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