Indus to 5G Era

Indus Valley Civilisation (IVC) was an ancient civilisation in the Indian Subcontinent that flourished around the Indus river basin. The IVC had made very rich contribution to the modern Indian culture. But, it is an enigma that, how such a great civilisation came into an end. After this civilisation, Indian subcontinent faced many invasions and got enlightened through modern philosophical thoughts, especially during the period of British and later became an independent India. For present day world, it is still a stumper that how India is maintaining its plurality, Unity and evolving into mature democracy, when many countries were locked in coup or in the holds of majoritarians. Infact, India became a perfect peaceful salad bowl nation rather than a forced melting pot one.


Both Civilisations are linked to many following religious customs-cultures (worshipping Pashupathi(shiva)), well maintained drainage systems and planned cities...etc. Infact, IVC enriched present day Civilisation in many Social & Cultural aspects. But one can see clear upgradation in the Science and Technology aspects in modern day. We are mastered weapon systems, sent satellites in to the space, invented many vaccines, designed novel medicines to a number of diseases and went to an extent that to sequence Genome, so that personalised medicine become sine que non. Similarly in Political systems, IVC might had rudimentary form of a political system like ruling by merchants / priest community but  modern India is in the process of matured Democracy, though some fundamentalist tries to divide.  In the economic aspects both civilisation have good trade relations with other countries, and present civilisation emphasing on Inclusive Sustainable Economic development. However, two civilisations are having the blots particularly in their social, economic and political life with different intensity of the practices of discrimination from the individual to societal level.


As per many historical evidences, it is the resistant attitude of Indus people to change towards changing social-cultural, environmental conditions held responsible to IVC decline. A recent study by scientists at IIT, Kharagpur has found that,  IVC was wiped out 4,350 years ago by a 900 yrs long drought and also other study published in Climate of the Past (Paleo-DNA based evidence) has revealed that climate change was the key player in the decline of the ancient civilisation. Whatever may be the reason, it is sure that, the decline is not sudden and it took several years.

There is a truth in the fear expressed by Martin Luther King, Jr. i.e


today, we have explored the space, we have occupied the Ocean and we have conquerred the entire planet but still our mind locked in Caste, Religion, Race...isms. The fruits of economic development resticted to certain people only (Oxfam report) and became Society of wealthy islands surrounded by Sea of poverty. Though women are near to half of the population, there is no substantial participation in the developmental process, that means we are wasting human resources on the one side and on the other side halting the progress of human species with a fast pace. Further we are witnessing high rates of illiteracy, rampant unemployment and poverty; overcrowding; unsanitary conditions, and a non-existent health-care infrastructure. These all are led to the fear to face Covid 19 crisis. But, no problem is too small to be ignored or too big to be tackled, if we use our knowledge properly.


The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. It is unfortunate that, well educated people are acting as vehicles to spread this virus (failing to maintain social distance and abiding suggestion to lock at home). 

Rights everybody claim but duties needs to carry out by every citizen in these circumstances to become real patriot. Patriotism doesn't mean chanting g slogans with high voice pitch, but it is about following rules of the nation at larger interest of nation. It is the time to restrict ourselves not to expose the Virus at individual level and not to spread at societal level. 

From the Government side building a people-centric response to the challenge of the COVID-19 is essential due to high presence of poor & vulnerable people and also risky nature of child and aged groups. It must not act with Patriarchical attitude and callousness but with human touch towards its citizens. Further, continuation of economic push is need of the hour to face impending economic recession. It is time to provide accurate information to the citizens because knowledge is one which liberates people. This is the time to go extra mile by all elected state Governments (health is state subject) with the help of central Government to trace, test and treat the affected one and to protect our country and at the large humanity. Pandemics do not recognise political borders, and in times of trouble, reaching out to neighbouring countries is the most obvious course of action (through SAARC, G20 - as it held earlier).

In this 21st century, the virus SARS-CoV-2, the clinical illness is COVID-19 has definitely going to have a page in the history. If any historian or any writer wants to write about present crisis, may be the decline of our so called 5G/AI Civilisation, which is not only attributed to SARS-CoV-2, but also to ignorance of people, preference to several irrational '...isms' though there are several opportunities to adopt modern technologies/Medicines/ rationalistic rules, misguided policies/plans  of Governments towards society (towards high number of weaker & vulnerable...linking to aadhar & biometry based schemes leaving many under exclusion list). 

A beautiful extended families, a magestic culture of festivals, coexistance of different religious schools of thought, Ocean of English language with different vernacular languages and dialects should remain an experience for generations to come and not reduced to pages from history. With the strike of Virus attack, the mission has begun, future beckons our sense of responsibility and we must stand and work for it.

Article Written by 
Syam sundar (ASO) 


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