In the heart of Rajasthan’s Barmer district, a concerning and tragic trend has emerged—young married women are resorting to self-inflicted deaths by jumping into wells. This phenomenon, termed “well suicides,” has gripped the region, prompting a closer look at the underlying factors, causes, and efforts made to address this alarming crisis. The Well Suicides Epidemic Barmer, a district famed for its natural resources such as oil, coal, and gas, has become a focal point for a distressing surge in suicides among its young married women since 2019. The disturbing pattern involves women, often with their young children, ending their lives by plunging into wells or man-made water storage tanks known as tankas. This distressing surge has prompted attention from local authorities, media outlets, and law enforcement agencies. For instance, Hanuman Ram’s ordeal encapsulates the heart-wrenching nature of this trend. Waking up one morning to find his 20-year-old wife Mamta missing, he disco...