Explain the relevance of convergence widely adopted  as a governance innovation in recent times. Illustrate with examples? 

A number of programmes are being run concurrently by the Government to address the twin issues of unemployment and poverty alleviation. So there is a need for better convergence of the schemes to avoid duplication and leakages and to ensure that the fruits of the schemes reach the targeted beneficiaries.

Why convergence? 

To effectively address the issue of poverty alleviation, there is a need to optimise efforts through inter-sectoral approaches. The convergence of different programmes like: Watershed Programmes, National Agriculture Development Programme (Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana), National Horticulture Mission, Scheme of Artificial Recharge of Ground Water through Dug well, BRGF, with NREGA will enable better planning and effective investments in rural areas.

Benefits of convergence :

1) Increase in Social Capital: Collective planning and implementation among different stakeholders will enhance social capital. This will improve management and work output.

2) Increase in Physical Capital: The process will help in creating durable assets and will also improve land productivity.

3) Facilitation of Ecological Synergies: Natural resource base regeneration through different Activities such as afforestation, drought proofing, flood proofing, and watershed will lead to effective use of Resources.

4) Mitigating Effects of Climate Change: NREGA helps in addressing issues such as CO emissions 2 and industrial pollution and stemming.

5) Enhancing Economic Opportunities: Income opportunities, savings and investments may be generated through activities such as pisciculture.

6) Strengthening Democratic Processes: Convergence awareness and planning at the grassroot level will lead to greater ownership of projects.

7) Facilitating Sustainable Development: Convergence efforts through creation of durable assets, rural connectivity, productivity enhancement and capacity development lead to sustainable development.

Example :Among the successful convergence initiatives listed in the report are the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme in Kerala, the rural housing scheme in Sikkim, collaboration among agriculture, water, rural development and forestry sectors in Chhattisgarh and rehabilitation of beggar families in Gujarat.

Conclusion. :Convergence them holds out the promise of greater effectiveness and efficiency and, therefore, greater impact,"


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