Principles for Managing Ethicsin the Public Service

Principles for Managing Ethics
in the Public Service which are as under:

1. Ethical standards for public service should be clear;
2. Ethical standards should be reflected in the legal framework;
3. Ethical guidance should be available to public servants;
4. Public servants should know their rights and obligations whenexposing wrongdoing;
5. Political commitment to ethics should reinforce the ethical conductof public servants;
6. The decision-making process should be transparent and open toscrutiny;
7. There should be clear guidelines for interaction between the publicand private sectors;
8. Managers should demonstrate and promote ethical conduct;
9. Management policies, procedures and. practices should promoteethical conduct;
10. Public service conditions and management of human resourcesshould promote ethical conduct;
11. Adequate accountability mechanisms should be in place within thepublic service; and
12. Appropriate procedures and sanctions should exist to deal with


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