Examine major issues with technology sector in India?what is strategy followed by India for transforming technology sector  in India?

In the technology sector, five important issues were: 
(a) silo-centric approaches to development of technology 
(b) technology standards either not developed or applied, leading to sub-optimal industrial development
 (c) dual use technologies not being optimally commercialised 
(d) R&D programs not aligned to efforts at technology development (e) need for mapping of technologies important for applications in society and industry.

India strategy :

1)The Constitution of Technology Group is an effort at addressing the above problems.

       This Group is mandated to render timely policy advice on latest technologies; mapping of technology and technology products; commercialisation of dual use technologies developed in national laboratories and government R&D organisations; developing an indigenisation road map for selected key technologies; and selection of appropriate R&D programs leading to technology development

2)  appropriate policies and strategies for effective, secure and context-sensitive exploitation of the latest technologies for economic growth and sustainable development of Indian Industry, in all sectors. example Make in India, digital India, AIpolicy.

3) strategies for research on emerging technologies across sectors; Example 5G road map in India. quantum computing, PM Stac 9 mission for new merging technologies. 

4)formulating the  policies for sustainability of public sector technology at PSUs/Labs while encouraging cross-sector collaborations and research alliances with Universities and Private Companies;  Example : startup India, Atal innovation mission, Incubation centres, Thinking labs.

5)formulating standards and common vocabulary to apply in vetting of proposals for R&D.Example : Publishing new research articles, CSIR, BARC.

6)the Government on its technology supplier and procurement strategy; Example : India made many technology partnership with USA, Japan, France, Russia for technology procurementsectors like defence, pharmaceutical, software technologies. 


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