status of drip irrigation in India

Per Drop More Crop component of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY-PDMC) is operational in the country from 2015-16. The PMKSY- PDMC focuses on enhancing water use efficiency at farm level through Micro Irrigation viz. Drip and Sprinkler irrigation.

         The Government provides financial assistance @ 55% for small and marginal farmers and @ 45% for other farmers for installation of Drip and Sprinkler Irrigation systems. In addition, some States provide additional incentives/top up subsidy for encouraging farmers to adopt Micro Irrigation.


Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil or agricultural field. It is thereplacement or supplementation of rainwater with another source of water. It is usedin dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall.

The main idea behind irrigation systems is to assist in the growth of agricultural cropsand plants by maintaining with the minimum amount of water required, suppressingweed growth in grain fields, preventing soil consolidation etc.

Well and Tube Well Irrigation

Wells are mainly found in U.P., Bihar, Tamil Nadu, etc. There are various types of wells shallow wells, deep wells, tube wells, artesian wells, etc. From the shallow wellswater is not always available as the level of water goes down during the dry months.Deep wells are more suitable for the purpose of irrigation as water from them isavailable throughout the year.

At places where ground water is available, a tube-well can be installed near theagricultural area. A deep tube well worked by electricity, can irrigate a much largerarea (about 400 hectares) than a surface well (half hectares). Tube wells are mostlyused in U.P., Haryana, Punjab, Bihar and Gujarat.

Merits: Well is simplest, cheapest and independent source of irrigation and can beused as and when the necessity arises. Several chemicals such as nitrate, chloride,sulphate, etc. found in well water add to the fertility of soil. More reliable duringperiods of drought when surface water dries up.

Demerits: Only limited area can be irrigated. In the event of a drought, the groundwater level falls and enough water is not available. Tubewells can draw a lot ofgroundwater from its neighbouring areas and make the ground dry and unfit for Wide publicity through press & print media, publication of leaflets/booklets, organization of workshops, exhibitions, farmer fairs, information on State/Government of India web portals etc. is being done.  Demonstrations have been setup  in 160 KrishiVigyanKendras (KVKs) for educating the farmers.  42.15 lakh ha (Drip 22.81 lakh ha & Sprinkler 19.34 lakh ha) has been covered under PMKSY-PDMC since 2015-16 till date.


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