Most Expected UPSC prelims 2020 Bits

Upsc Mcq:Challange 

1)Which one the following principles were supported by the theosophical society?

1) Belief in karma and rebirth
2)belief in universal brother hood and humanity
3) Belief in vedantic philosophy
4) belief in monotheism 

a) 1,2,3
b) 2,3
c) 1,4
d) 1,2,3,4

Answer is (a)

2)According to the  United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which India has ratified, expressly recognises in Article 13 is related to? 

a) Article 13 that freedom of expression of the child includes the “freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child’s choice.”
b) Article 13 of the CRC provides that member states should assure to the child who is capable of forming his or her own views the right to express those views freely.

1) only a 
2) only b
3) both a and b
4) none

Answer (only a) 

3) which of the following statement is correct?

a) India ranks as third largest carbon emmiting country in the world
b) According WHO 14 out of the 20 most polluted cities of the world are in India.

1) only a
2) only b
3) both a and b
4) none
 Answer 3

4) which of the following are major tools for Precision Agriclutre?

a) GIS
b)Grid sampling 
c)variable rate technology 
d) yiled monitors 
E) yield maps
f) remote sensors

1) a b d e f
2) c e f
3) a b c f
4) a b c d e f

Answer 4

5) which of the following statement is correct GDP 'back series'?

a) The gap between new and old-base estimates was 1.7% in 2004-05, which increased to about 3% in 2011-12.
b) The gap between new and old-base estimates was 1.6% in 2004-05, which increased to about 4% in 2011-12.
c) the gap between new and old-base estimates was 1.5% in 2004-05, which increased to about 2% in 2011-12.
d) the gap between new and old-base estimates was 1.3% in 2004-05, which increased to about 6% in 2011-12.

Answer :a

6) Which of the following is the crude indicator of prosperity of the country?

a) GDP
b) GNP
c)  NNP
d) percapita Income

Answer :d

7) which of the following were define by Indian constiution?
a) Minimum Wage
b) living wage
c) fair wage
d) labour wage

1) only a
2) a, b c
3) b c
4) a b c d

Answer :3

8) Global Health Security Index released by?

a) unicef
b) WHO
c) United Nations
d)  World Bank

Answer :b

9) With reference to IPBES which of the following statement is correct?

a) It  was founded by UNEP
b) Global scientific body which is similar to IPCC
c) Its head quarters is Germany
d) India is founding memeber

1) a b
2) b c d 
3) c d
4) a b c d

Answer 4

10) with Reference to Renewable energy in India which of the  following have largest share?

a) Hydro - wind -Biopwer - Solar
b) wind - Hydro - Biopwer - solar
c) wind - solar - Hydro - Biopwer
d) solar - Wind - Hydro - Biopwer

Answer :a

11) Which of the following temples constructed in the form of Panchayatana style of architecture in India?

a) Kandariya Mahadeva Temple
b) Dasavatra temple
c) lingaraja  Temple
d) Gondeswara Temple

1) a c
2) a b
3) b c a
4) a b c d 

Answer 4

12) with Reference to Kanyashree scheme which of the following statement is correct? 

a)  It is a conditional cash transfer scheme for girl child 
b) It was awarded b united Nation as the first place for public service 
c) scheme  is intiated in odisha 

1) only a
2)only b 
3) both a and b 
4) a b c 

Answer :3

13) The first effort at drafting a Dominion status constution for India was made in response to the 

a) Minto monrely reforms 
b) Montague Chelmsford reforms 
c) Simon commission 
d) first round table conference 

14) which of the following not correctly  matched of ashoka Pillars? 

a) Ramapurva - Bull
b) Sanchi - lion
C) Sankisa- elephant 
d) lauriya Nandha - Deer

14) Recently India made a tagging the "country  of origin" on all products a sticking points in which negotiations? 


Answer c

15) Which of the following rivers that flow through Tipeshwar Tiger reserve? 

a) Purna 
b) krishna
d) Tapti 

1) a c 
2) A d
3) c d
4) a b c d 

Answer 4

16) which of the following were the top steel producing countries in the world? 

a) China - India - Japan - USA - South Korea 
b) China - Japan - USA - South Korea - India 
c) India - China - USA - Japan - South Korea 
d) India - USA - China - Japan - South Korea 

17) which of the following statement is correct under Vijayanagar empire? 

a) Under Nayankara system military chiefs were assigned a piece of land called Amaram. 
b)  The Amara Nayak as were military commanders who were given terriotires to govern by the Royas. 

1)only a
2)only b 
3) both a and b
4) none of the above 

18) Which of the following foreign  traveller mention in his book about Dara Sikoh?

a) Nicolo Manucci
b) Francois Bernier
c) Tavernier
d) Peter Mundy

Both Nicolo Manucci and Francois Bernier mention about Dara Sikoh 

19) In India mergers and acquisition of banks of firms are regulated by

a) RBI
b) Ministry of fiance
c) CII
d) NITI aayog

Answer is c

20)which of the following statement is correct IMPS? 

a) Both banked and un banked customers can avail IMPS
b) It is manged by RBI
c) It is built upon national finacial swtich 
d) RBI authorised by prepaid instrument issue. 

1) a b c d 
2) c d b
3) a c d 
4) only a b 

Answer 3

21)  The term "Henneguya salminicola"  sometimes in news is related to? 
a) oldest mamal existed inthe world 
b) an early human species 
c) animal to exist without the need to breathe oxygen
d) fossil of a kind of dinosaurs. 

Answer c 

22) Which of the following parameters  is used in soil health card? 

a) Nitrogen 
b) organic carbon 
c) electrical conduct 
d) pH 
E) zinc 
f) calcium 

1) a b c d 
2) A c d e f 
3) b c d 
4) all the above 

23) With Reference to medical device ammendment rules 2020 which of the following statement is correct? 
a) Medical devices shall be registered with central licensing authority 
b) It's madaroty to provide ISO certificate 
c) Registration will remain volutnatry for 18 months 
d) CDSCO is the main regulatory of medical devices 

1)a b c. D
2) ab d
3) c d

24) The principle of individual Responsibility in indian constution define in which of the following article

1)Article 73
2) Article 75
3) Article 65
4) article 63

25) Greenhouse gases are known so as: 

(a) they trap heat in the high altitudes. 
(b) they act like a greenhouse on the surface of the planet. 
(c) the colour of some of the gases emanating from industrial plants are green. 
(d) these gases are produced by agricultural crops.

26)India’s climate is most affected by which of the following two winds? 
(a) North-East monsoon and South-West monsoon 
(b) North-West monsoon and South-East monsoon 
(c) North-East monsoon and South-East monsoon 
(d) North-West monsoon and South-West monsoon

27)According to World health organisation which of the following comes under the "Blue  priority Diseases"?

1)MERS - CoV
3)Diaseases X
4) covid - 19
5) nipha virus
6)lasser fever virus
7)rift Valley fever

a) all the above
b) expect covid - 19
c) only disease X
d) only SARS - Cov2

28)According to the employee state insurance act, which of the following statement is correct?

1) The Act is applicable only organised sectors
2) The contribution of employees is 4%
3) It covers eight society security benefits
4) The actvapies to organisation with ten or more employees.

a)  1, 2, 3, 4
b)  12, 3
C)  3, 4
D) 2, 4

Ans :d

29)According Energy statistics Report 2019 India, states with highest Renewable Energy Potential are? 
a) Rajasthan - Gujarat - Maharashtra - Karnataka 
b) karanataka - Maharastra - Gujarat - Rajasthan 
c) Gujarat - karnataka - Maharastra - rajasthan 
d)  Madhya pradesh - Rajasthan - Gujarat - karnataka 

Answer :a

30) Who of the following freedom fighter arrested during national movement for violating Epdimeic Diseases Act 1897?

a) Sardar vallabai Patel 
b) Bala ganaghar Tilak 
c) Bipin Chandra Paul 
d) Sarojini Naidu 


31)WWF is focusing efforts on a select group of priority species that are especially important, either for their ecosystem  which of the following were? 
(a)Species forming a key element of the food chain
(b)Species which help the stability or regeneration of habitats
(c)Species demonstrating broader conservation needs
(d) species that are in underwater 


32) With regard reference  to union for the protection of new varieties of plants (UPOV) which of the following statement is correct? 

a) It is a intergovernmental body 
b) India is a member of the UPOV 
c) It is to protect to plant varieties by an intellectual property right. 

33) Recently India made a tagging the "Country of Origin " on all products a sticking point in  which international negotiations? 
a) SCO
b) WTO

34)According to recent study which of the following lake is considered as rich carbonate lake in India?

a) Tso Kar lake 
b) lonar lake
c) vemband lake
d) dal lake

35)Which element acts as the main currency for energy in all cells and anchors the lipids that separate cells from their surrounding environment.?

a) sodium
b) phosphorous
c) carbondioxide
d) water vapour

36)According to recent study what are the factors responsible Hydrological changes in indina sub-continent river basins?

1) precipitation
2) air temperature
4) evapotranspiration
5)total run off

a) 1,2,3,4,
b) 1,2,4,5
c) 2345
d) 1,2,4,


37) E. Coli is recently in news is related to

a) Bacteria that eats carbon dioxide
b) New tea variety found in India
c) New virus that found in bat's
d) drug for covid - 19

38)Under which of the following subsidies were provided in agriculture sector?

2)Mechbization technology

a) 1,2,3,5
b) 1,2,4,5
c) 2,3,4,5

39)As per the Desertification and Land Degradation Atlas of India,which of the following statement is correct?

a) In India 29.32% of the total geographical Area of the country is undergoing the process of desertification and degradation

b) Uttar Pradesh accounts highest in undergoing desertification and degradation in the country.

1) only a
2)only b
3) both a and b
4) none of these

40)Under which among the following were comes under small saving scheme  in India?

a) provident fund of India
b) Kisan Vikas Patra
c) Sukanya Samriddhi Account
d) post office saving

1) a b
2) only d
3) only a
4) ab c d

Answer 4

41) Gender social norm index released by

2) WEF
3)World Bank
4) unicef

Answer 1


43) Match the following temples and dynasties :

44) which one the following statement is correct about the swadeshi movement and revolutionary movement in Bengal? 

1) It gave a great push forward to the Indian natioanksit movement. 

2)It have a great stimulus to indigenous business and industry or swadeshi enterprises 

3)The government of East begal and Assam became sympathetic enterprise. 

4) It gave a great stimulus to the development of vernacular literature and revolutionary literature in particular. 

a) 1,3,4
b) 1,2,4
C) 2,3,4
d) 1,2,3,4

45) With reference to Mirchchkanitkam is correct? 

a) It literature work of Kalidas during Gupta period 

b) it is love story of a poor Brahamana charudatta and virtuous course an 

C)  Literature  work  during snagam period 

d) None of the above 
Answer b

46) With reference to community reserve which of the following statement is correct?

1) It act as a buffer zones connectors, migration corridors

2)Community reserve establish under wild life protection act 1986

3)Meghaya has highest community reserves in india

4) Recently Boghbheel declares as community reserve

a) 1,2,3
b) 1,3,4
c) 2,3,4
d) 1,2,3,4

47) River.            Longest tributary 

1)Cavery              a) amaravati 
2)Godavari.         b)  Manjira
3)krishna.           c)   Bhima 
4)ganga               d) yammuna 

Which of the following correctly matched 

48) Which of the following reform took place by mahud Gawan of Bahmani kingdom

a) The kingdom was divide dinto eight provinces of rarafs 
b) Nobels were alid salaries and were asked to maintain contingents of horses 
c) lands were measured Abe land taxes were fixed on that basis 
d) He opened a ‘Madrasa’ an institution of higher learning at Bidar

1)a b c d 
2) a c d
3) c d
4) none of the above 

49)Which of the following statement is correct with below charqtwrstics "Use of white marbles, long legs and slender frames, human beings as central characters and prominence of kings, princess and palaceses" 

1) amaravati school of art 
2)gabdhara school of art 
3) Mathura school of art 
4)Pahari school of art 

50) The quarantine regulation for preventing entry of disease plants into the country is done by which one the following? 
a) National botanical Research institute 
b) Botanical survey of India 
c) National bureau of plant genetic resources 
d) Council of scientific and industrial research. 

Answer c 

51)Recent years due to hight demand of chemical resudue free made, it play important role in indian  economy as major portion, the cameilla sinensis is related to? 

a) Anti viral drug 
b) Biodisel
c) tea
d) Textile fibre 


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