What do you mean by social vaccine? How social vaccine can build societal immunity to the devastating effects of future pandemics? Explain?

Background : History always teaches prepadeness for future risk, when we remember pandemic globally, plague,HIV, SARAS created panic all over the world.For instance The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is believed to have made the zoonotic jump from monkeys through chimpanzees to humans in Africa as early as the 1920s, but the HIV/AIDS epidemic was detected in 1981 and was a pandemic by 1985. From 1981 till December 2018, around 74.9 (range: 58.3 to 98.1) million people worldwide were HIV-infected, and around 32.0 (range: 23.6 to 43.8) million died (43%, range: 41 to 45%) from AIDS-related illnesses.Countries like Uganda and  Thailand used social vaccine to control pandemic of HIV.

What is Social vaccine?
A social vaccine is a metaphor for a series of social and behavioural measures that governments can use to raise public consciousness about unhealthy situations through social mobilisation. Social mobilisation can empower populations to resist unhealthy practices, increase resilience, and foster advocacy for change. This can drive political will to take action in the interests of society and hold governments accountable to address the social determinants of health by adopting progressive socio-economic policies and regulatory mechanisms that promote health equity and reduce vulnerability to disease. 

Example :Maintaining physical distancing in social situations (unless impossible) and wearing cloth masks or facial coverings in public (especially where distancing is impossible) by 100% of people (and 100% of the time) is key to preventing infection along with regular disinfection of oneself and one’s surroundings.

How social vaccine  can build societal immunity to the devastating effects of future pandemics?

Dissemination  of information :
The effectiveness of a social vaccine is determined by the extent of dissemination and uptake of accurate information about personal infection risk and methods to reduce the risk through consistent core messages disseminated through a variety of means. EXAMPLE :COVID-19 dissemination through media, social media, TV channels,mesaages, through mobile application, through adverstimwnts 

Governments Accountability :social vaccine also increases people to hold leaders accountable to invest in: 
rapidly scaling-up testing; meeting the basic and economic needs of vulnerable sections; providing psychological support where needed; not communalising or politicising the pandemic; providing adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) to front-line workers in health, sanitation, transport and other essential services; and not compromising the privacy and dignity of infected individuals and their families in the interest of public health.

Behavioural change :
Social vaccine can address the behavioural change and attitudinal change, for instance : COVID - 19 brings amny bhevioural changes like wearing mask compulsory, mainting social distance, Not spit at public places

Change inFood habitats : Recently government India issue guidelines to increases immunity. For 
example :
  1. Drink warm water throughout the day.
  2. Daily practice of Yogasana, Pranayama and meditation for at least 30 minutes as advised by Ministry of AYUSH (#YOGAatHome #StayHome #StaySafe)
  3. Spices like Haldi (Turmeric), Jeera (Cumin), Dhaniya (Coriander) and Lahsun (Garlic) are recommended in cooking.
Adaptability: Adopting technologies like telemedicine,We are already seeing several consultations without actually going to the clinic or hospital. Again, this is a positive sign. Social vaccine for mainting social distance. 

Vaccines are one of the most powerful innovations in the history of public health, and one of the best investments in a healthier, safer world. WHO estimates that vaccines save at least 2 million lives every year. COVID 19 has no vaccine at present mainting social distancing, social vaccine is best solution to fight against covid  pandemic. 


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