Discuss major cultural aspects elements that seen in Indus Valley Civilization?

 సింధు లోయ నాగరికతలో కనిపించే ప్రధాన సాంస్కృతిక అంశాల గురించి చర్చించండి?


 Not a great deal is available to us because the Harappan script has not been deciphered. This language was pictographic and was engraved on seals, copper tablets, bone, ivory, etc.


The diet of the Harappan people consisted of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. Wheat was their staple food grain. Barley, date-palm, maize and rice were also popular foodstuff. Fish and non-vegetarian food were commonly consumed. Milk was a favorite drink. Different types of vegetables and fruits seemed to have been known to the people of Harappan culture.


Since the climate of the area was tropical, naturally people preferred to use garments conductive to tropical climate. Several figurines of males and females have been found at the excavation sites that give us a clear idea about their costumes.   For instance Cotton fabrics were in common use though use of wool was not unknown to them.

Dress habits of Harappans were simple. One statue shows the use of two pieces of cloth— one for the upper portion and the other for the lower portion of the body. The upper garment was like a modern shawl that was drawn over the left shoulder and under the right so as to leave the right arm free and in the sitting posture it came down up to the feet.


Both men and women of the Harappan society were fond of wearing ornaments. There were some common ornaments that were used by both. They included necklaces, fillets, armlets, rings and bangles. Ladies used some specific ornaments like girdles, nose-studs, ear-rings and anklets.


The Harappan people were fond of luxury and comfort. The discovery of ivory combs, bronze mirrors and razors shows the interest of people in their own attire. Both men and women liked stylish combing of hair. They combed their hair into different braids and men kept short beards and long whiskers and sometimes the upper lip was shaved. Their hair was combed backwards and was either cut short or coiled into a knot on the top of the head.

 Amusements and Recreation

 Since the people of Harappan culture were city-dwellers they had various pastimes and recreations whereby they spent their leisure hours. They entertained themselves by playing indoor games like dicing, dancing and singing. Further hunting, fishing, arranging animal and bird fights formed other sources of amusement. 

Household Items 

A number of household items used by the Harappans have been unearthed at different sites. These items were made of gold, silver, copper and bronze. One interesting thing to be noted is that these people did not know the use of iron. 

 Artistic Activities

 Obviously, the artistic acumen of the Indus Valley people is evident from their arts and crafts in stone as well as baked clay. The seal intaglios from the Indus Valley sites form a class by themselves. From Mohenjodaro was found a figure of a bearded man carved in Steatite. 

 Weapons of War 

Although the Harappans were a peace loving people they used various weapons for selfdefence. These weapons included axes, spears, daggers, bows and arrows. Swords, shields, helmets or any such protective gears were not used. These weapons were made of copper or bronze. Their inferior quality suggests that the Harappan soldiers were not very advanced in the art of warfare.


There is little knowledge about the drugs and medicines used by the Harappan people. The horns of deer and antelope were used as medicines. The use of ‘neem’ as an anti-psoric medicine was also known to them. Their limited medical knowledge helped them to cure themselves to some extent.

 Domestication of Animals 

The Harappan people knew the art of domesticating animals for their personal use. These animals were bulls, buffaloes, sheep, pigs, dogs, elephants and camels. 

Disposal of the Dead 

Different methods of disposing the dead were practiced by the people of Harappan culture. The common method of disposing the dead body was burial. Cemeteries have been found at Harappa (two cemeteries R37 and H), Lothal and Kalibangan. T


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