How India is doing industry 4.O?

 India is working on all the four factors of Industry 4.0

1)connectivity, :


3)artificial intelligence or machine learning and

 4)real-time data. 

India is among the countries where data charges are the cheapest and mobile connectivity and smart phones have reached far and wide. India’s automation design expert pool is vast and the country has made a mark in the field of AI and machine learning. Growing digital infrastructure has made digital solutions everyday part of life in India. The Prime Minister said that today 1.3 billion Indians have universal ID- Aadhar which is connected to their account and phone. In December itself there has been 4 trillion rupees worth of transection through UPI. India could transfer 1.8 trillion rupees worth of assistance through direct benefit transfer to the accounts of 760 million Indians during the pandemic. Digital Infrastructure  has made public service delivery efficient and transparent.  India has started a campaign for providing easy access to health care by giving Unique Health ID to its citizens,


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