Difference among Human values, Ethical values and Moral values? Discuss few prominent human values ?

 Although three of them fall under the wide category of value system, there exists a thin line difference among them.

 Ethical values can be categorized as respectful behavior towards other human being, plants as well as animals without harmony them, 

while moral values are in fact the same but today moralizing rhetoric is not well received. 

On the other hand, human values are considered much more as developing positive attitude directly concerned with the behavior.


1. Genuine: One should have genuine feeling for others. Behavior should be honest, warm and heartily for people around you. Individual’s feeling should be such that it is felt genuinely by others. 

2. Modesty: One must be humble in his/ her approach. There should not be a feeling of superiority within an individual. Modesty and humanity in nature have a far more everlasting impact on the people.

 3. Self-Respect: One should try to be someone whom people around give respect and seek advice from. One who never consider material gains over and above his/her own moral values. One should never allow anyone to move you away from doing what is right and acceptable.

 4. Rationality: One must be rational in its thinking. Your values should be such that it is not easily influenced by other’s thinking. Have a rational approach towards comparing situations, acts, people etc. Don’t let prejudice or emotion affect you or your judgment. 

5. Courteous: One should always show courtesy while behaving with others. Always adopt an approach of good manners even though others around you may not. 

6. Incorrupt: One should opt a strong approach for withholding one’s life values. Don’t let outside powers to corrupt you. It must be known to the external environment that you are not the person whose moral values and reactions are saleable. 

7. Civility: One must have a great civic sense. It is very pertinent to know how to behave in society and extend courtesy to others.

 8. Wisdom: It is important to have knowledge but more important to have wisdom. One should try to understand the real qualities of people and apply his/her wisdom for the greater good of humanity

9. Wholesome: One should be conducive of not only physical wellbeing but also psychological as well as spiritual wellbeing also. One must be completely attentive and active while interacting with others

. 10. Charity: Establishing a feeling of empathetic and compassionate behavior towards others helps the individual to grow his/her personality. Learn to extend a helping hand towards other even though they themselves are not able to help you


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