Max Webber  believed that exercise of authority was a universal phenomenon that characterized the social relationships. His thought on authority need to be studied in the context of his theory of domination. Domination refers to power relationship between rulers and ruled. Weber identified three type of legitimation, each according to a particular type of domination to justify the exercise of authority. These are Traditional Authority, Charismatic Authority and Legal Rational Authority.

1. Traditional Authority: The traditional authority derives its legitimacy from the sanctity of tradition and belief in the appropriateness of traditional way of doing things. The leader under such an authority system exercise authority by virtue of status he has inherited. The ruler is obeyed because traditions so demand. The administrator may also exercise arbitrary authority. However, all his actions are legitimized in the name of traditions and customs. This type of authority is vested in person and not in office.

2. Charismatic Authority : Charismatic authority is based on the personal qualities of a leader. The leader is believed to possess Chrisma and endowed with superhuman and supernatural qualities. Among the holder of chrisma are a prophet, a messiah or political leader. His follower under such a authority system accept his authority so long as they believe in his chrisma. Consistent failure of chrisma may lead to deposition of leader.

3. Legal- Rational Authority: This authority system is legal because authority is exercised by means of rules and regulations. The ruled in such a authority system accept the authority of a ruler because they believe in the rightness of law. Authority in such a system is based in the office, and not in person. Obedience under it is owed to legally established impersonal order. The administrative staff in a legal rational authority system is bureaucracy which according to Weber is most efficient form of organization


According to encyclopedia of governance, “Within human governance, power refers to the ability of a given individual, corporate body, political organization or political system to further interests shape behavior and inform strategies for action. It Power has been defined as the ability to get things done despite the will and resistance of others. 

Max Weber defined Power as the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance.” 

M.P. Follet defines power as “the ability to make things happen, to be a causal agent, to initiate change.”

 Chester Barnard defined power in terms of informal authority while the modern sociologist defines authority as „legitimate power‟. 

Thus it can be concluded that power is personal strength or skill of a person to get the things done. Power does not have the legal base. It inheres in the person and not in office. The distinction between authority and power is as follows:-


Authority :Henry Fayol: “Authority is the right to give orders and power to exact obedience.”

1. Authority is the legitimate right of a superior to command the behavior of subordinates and seek their compliance willingly.

 2. It inheres in the office, with the change of incumbent officer, his authority also changes

3. Authority is legitimate. It is based on law.

 4. It serves as a base of formal organization. 

5. Authority is mostly well defined, format and finite. 

6. The defining characteristics of authority is legitimacy.

Where as Power 


1. Power is the ability of a person to influence the behavior of another person to do certain things. 

2. It is vested in individual, his power remains the same despite the change in official position. 

3. Power is based on strength, force, threat of punishment. It lacks legitimacy. 

4. It serves as a base of informal organization. 

5. Power is informal, undefined and infinite.

6. The defining characteristics of power is threat force and coercion. 

Authority is a major principle of organization. It is essential not only for achieving the prescribed goals but also to hold the official accountable for their conduct and performance. Power is the ability of a person to influence the behavior of another person to do certain things. Power is based on strength, force, threat of punishment. It lacks legitimacy. Officials may be tempted to misuse authority without corresponding responsibility. Therefore, authority is commensurate with responsibility.


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