Human Values in Buddhism

 Buddha’s Eightfold Path- 

The Buddha’s eightfold path consists basically Panna: wisdom, sila: morality and Samadhi : meditation. He stressed upon right understanding of the noble truths and right thinking to follow right path in life. He also focused on right speech and to abstain from lying, criticism, gossip, harsh language etc. He also guided to follow right actions to away from killing and stealing. One should also avoid dishonesty and hurting others. We must put right efforts to conquer bad qualities. We must have awareness of our body, mind and emotions to overcome hatred and ignorance. Right concentration can be obtained through continuous meditation.

Spread of Peace-

This was Buddha’s main message, Buddha‘s aim towards all living beings was to spread peace,. Human society can be peaceful by accepting this very aim of Buddha. Peace can be attained through the practice of non-violence, equally brotherhood and friendship. This message of Buddha was not only for the Buddhists but for all human beings irrespective of any caste, creed and religion.

Self- Reliance- 

Human society and nation can be developed by self-power, unity and self- reliance. Unity got and grown by the strength of weapons is not last longing. True unity lies with courtesy and self sacrifice. To develop morality, self-reliance and duty consciousness is must to proceed towards the attainment of our goals.


 Human beings can achieve this perfection. It is the capability to utilize all of our energy into productive and constructive purpose which may benefit to all mankind. So, one should never indulge in wrong and useless activities. We should properly channelize our efforts.

Buddhists believe in Rebirth (reincarnation) which is only the results of attachments (karma). They said that Nirvana is a peaceful and detached state of mind and it is also a way to escape from the cycle of rebirth. Buddha is not regarded as God but just a revered teacher. Everything in this world is impermanent as per Buddhist philosophy. Buddhism shows a rational, practical and balanced way of overcoming all our pains and sufferings. Life is most important than any other thing.


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