Human Values in Hinduism

 The religious life is considered as system of education. Likewise, Hinduism is based on inculcating and practicing certain basic human value which are termed as ‘Yamas’. ‘Yamas’ refer to behavior of individuals in daily life. These are the essential morals which every Hindu must have. The basic human values in Hinduism are described as follows:

Truthfulness (Satyam) 

In Hinduism everyone should speak the truth with kindness and compassion. Truth is always ultimate winner. It is possible that in short run untruth may appear to win but in long run truth will always win. But if truth causes harm, it is better to be silent rather than speaking it. Therefore, one should speak the pleasant truth.

Non Voilence (Ahimsa)

 Hinduism teaches us to follow the principle of non violence. According To Hinduism ‘ Ahimsa Paramo Dharma

Non Stealing (Asteyam)

Hinduism teaches us not to steal or enter into debt. One should not be greedy and selfish. This may result in stealing & non violence. The person should not take the things which do not belong to him. The individuals should use their hard earned assets and money. They should not take other’s things through stealing or cheating them.

Honesty (Arjavam) 

Hindus should follow the principle of honesty. One should be simple, straight forward, open as well as honest and should not follow hypocrisy. There should be integration between physical body, mind and soul. ‘ Kayena Manasa Vacha ’ .

Compassion (Daya) 

Every hindu must have callous, compassionate and intensive feelings. He must have sympathy, kindness, love, mercy for all. One should do his deed selflessly and for the benefit of society. One should always be ready to provide services to needy ones; even at one’s own sacrifice, if needed.

Forgiveness (Kshama)

Hinduism teaches us forgiveness one should restrain oneself from intolerance and ill will. The individuals can forgive only if they have combined characteristics of patience, tolerance and bear sufferings. Forgiveness will ultimately result in peacefulness. It creates the basis of non violence.

Self Control (Dama

Hinduism teaches us control over passion and senses. Self control will result in limited desires. Self controlled person will led by wisdom and kindness rather than desires. Self control not only encourages humility but elevates man to level of God. However lack of self control may take an individual to wrong path. A self controlled person has neither fear of criticism nor impression of praise. His each and every action is according to moral and ethical values. For example, one should observe celibacy when single and faithfulness in marriage.  

 Every individual should act and choose the righteous task. Actions of a person determine his personality. One should always try to graduate out of deception of world and achieve the ultimate goal of liberating himself from all the happenings of oneself and become a superior personality. 


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