Human values can be defined as the belief, principles, followings, set standard that individual follows as their guidelines in daily activities. These human values are an important part of human nature. Without these values human beings are like flower without fragrance. Professional ethics are mainly built on the basis of these principle human values. From the societal point of view, these values are set of behavioral practices that individuals choose to practice in the light of maintaining interpersonal relationship. In the present era, human values plays a pivotal role in maintain peace and protecting society. Establishing human values into practical form contribute towards maintaining morality within the society. By correlating human values with personal relations, human being can live in harmony with others.


I. Human values are universal: Human values are universal in nature. These values are mutually shared by all human beings, no matter to which religion, caste, creed, culture, nationality or history they belong to. Some of the eminent human values can be grouped as follows: 

 Imbibe civility in nature. 

 Giving respect to others. 

 Having honesty in behavior. 

 Developing a habit of sharing among individuals. 

 Develop loyalty, solidarity and fairness in behavior. 

 Establish a feeling of brotherhood, friendship, empathy, love and compassion for others.

II. Human values and culture: 

Human values are specifically concerned to culture. Each persisting culture has its own value system, ethics and ethos. In countries like India and Japan, value system occupies the center stage in all activities, including those in business enterprises. Behavior that exert a positive relation with other human being are rewarded and having empathetic behavior for others are highly valued. On the other hand, behaviors which are anti-social are always condemned and are punished by the society. Therefore, culture promotes cultivating positive values in human being.

III. Implantation of Human values:

The initial process of implanting human values begins with the childhood of human being. These values are passed on by parents to their child and are further implanted throughout the child upbringing. As the child grows through its life phases, they learn more about these values from their friends groups, teachers, elders, leaders and society. The values which are learnt includes honesty, discipline, love, peace, justice, trust, civility, loyalty, appreciation and openness for the environment. In addition to this, subordination of individual interest before the larger interest is more desirable human values. People who hold outstanding human values are usually regarded as well as admired. It is generally visible in society for the individuals who are encouraged in profession like teachers, doctors, lawyers which are viewed as persons holding high moral and ethical code of conduct for their profession. These kind of noble human values are highly encouraged in society and on the other hand negative values are discouraged.

V. Human values encourage peace:

 If there is peace in the environment it encourages prosperity and this is attained by inculcating finer human values. It is by implanting such finer human values; people can better appreciate and give respect for the peaceful relationship among individuals. By putting human values into practice and it ultimately leads to bringing prosperity. Thus, these values can prove to be an encouraging factor for peace. Also, by putting these values into human relationship, it will surely enhance better mutual understanding among individuals. As far as business organizations are concerned, if these values are better cultivated into the organizational culture by the leaders, it is surely going to strengthen the foundation of workplace i.e. strong integration of human resources which would further lead to bringing peace and prosperity in the organization.

V. Human values encourage individual growth

From the point of view to encourage individual growth, human values are of great importance. The basic thing is to focus on the self personality development. Complete knowledge regarding oneself is the first and foremost thing that needs to be taken care of. Today, there are many situations, where many people rely on other to follow their ideas to be successful which is completely fair because for the simple reason that we all have role models which influence our thinking. But still there exist a thin line discrepancy between individuals perspective of doing things. Human values which follow the basic features of Indian education focus on growth and advancement of individual. Indian education system which is the oldest system in the world has such qualities that do not exist anywhere in the world. 


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