Status of coal production in India

 In India, energy transition away from coal is not happening during the  foreseeable future. Although there will be push for renewable/non-fossil based energy, but share of coal in the energy basket is going to remain significant in years ahead. Coal demand in the country is yet to peak. The draft Economic Survey 2021-22 projects coal demand in the range of 1.3-1.5 billion tonnes by 2030, an increase of 63 per cent from the current demand.


During the current year 2021-22, the coal production target of Coal India Limited (CIL) has been fixed at 670 Million Tonnes (MT).

In 2021-22 (upto 10th March, 2022), Coal India Limited (CIL) has dispatched 506.29 MT, with a 23% growth over last year. Similarly, SCCL and captive coal blocks have dispatched 50.38 MT and 77.5 MT coal to power sector (upto 10th March 2022) which is 34.2% and 40% more than the same period of last year.

Coal supplies to power sector is being regularly monitored by an Inter-Ministerial Sub Group comprising of representatives from Ministries of Power, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Railways, Central Electricity Authority (CEA), Coal India Limited (CIL), Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) and NTPC etc. to take various operational decisions to enhance supply of coal to thermal power plants as well as for meeting any contingent situations relating to Power Sector including to alleviate critical coal stock position in power plants.

Action has been taken by Government to further enhance the production of the coal in the country.

1.Commercial Auction of coal on revenue share mechanism:

2.Allowed sale of excess coal production:

3Rolling auction: In order to expedite the process for conducting auction and to carry out more rounds of auction in a year, a mechanism of rolling auctions of coal mines has been planned

4.Single Window Clearance:

Latest Efforts To Reduce Pollution Due To Coal Mining

  • Generation and propagation of dust is controlled at source by installation of fixed sprinklers at CHPs, coal stock yards, weighbridges and along transportation roads. In major CHPs, fixed sprinklers have been provided at the transfer points and bunkers.

  • Mobile water sprinkler are deployed along the haul roads and road transport road.

  • Long throw fog canons have been deployed in mines and industrial establishments The mist type water spraying system have been installed along the conveyor belts / Bunkers in major coal handling plants. The sides of CHPs are covered by side cladding with GI Sheet to control pollution at source.

  • Control blasting techniques with proper delay detonators and explosives are used for mitigation of dust generation and ground vibration during blasting operations.

  • Coal companies are deploying modern equipment having environment friendly features, like Surface Miner in coal that eliminates the drilling, blasting and crushing operations in coal and hence, in turn, obviates pollution caused due to these operations.

  • Use of drills fitted with wet drilling and dust extractors in order to control generation of dust.

  • To avoid spillage of Coal from trucks on road - all loaded coal transporting trucks are covered by tarpaulin and also overloading of trucks are prohibited.

  • Transport haul roads are kept well maintained and Concrete/black topped roads are being developed for better stability and durability;

  • Mines have deployed mechanical sweepers and other methods for dry sweeping of roads.
  • First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects are being implemented to replace road transport through mechanical loading and conveying systems.

  • Avenue and peripheral plantation to arrest the propagation and dispersion of dust significantly.

  • Installation of Wind barriers for dust trapping.

  • Plantation on inactive OB Dumps to minimize soil erosion;

Coal Companies always strive to adopt best mining practices and technology for coal mining and they have taken following steps for improvement in the quality of coal mining –


(i) The technologies used in Opencast Coal Mining are modern and coal companies are keeping pace with the technological advancement.


(ii) Deployment of High capacity Heavy Earth Moving Machineries (HEMMs) like 42 cum Shovel with 240 T Rear Dumper.


(iii) Surface Miners are being adopted in big way to eliminate the need of hazardous blasting for coal extraction, customer satisfaction and to cater to environmental needs.


(iv) First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects - Coal transportation through in-pit crushing and conveying system/surface belt conveyor of all the future and existing mines.


(v) 3D terrestrial laser scanner for greater accuracy in Over Burden (OB) measurement.


(vi) Introduction of drone/ Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) for improved mine mapping and monitoring – land reclamation, fire mapping, mine closure monitoring.


(vii) Several other technological interventions have also been made to increase work efficiency and mitigate the risk of accidents, e.g. Slope monitoring technologies, technology such as collision avoidance system in dumpers, proximity warning system, Operator independent Truck dispatch system (OITDS) etc.


(viii) Automated Mist based Water sprinkling system for dust suppression is being deployed.

Coal Companies have been taking assistance from International Agencies/companies for guiding and monitoring adoption of best mining practices and technology for coal mining.




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