Eight Competencies with five levels each are given below. You are requested to choose only one of the five levels which is critically required to be an effective District Magistrate?

 People First 

€ Redesigns and monitors new initiatives in public service delivery, using technology where relevant

 € Understands issues from citizens’ perspective and seeks feedback to improve service

 € Responds with speed and sensitivity to the needs of citizens, particularly marginalized

 € Sets public service standards and systems to improve public services

 € Tracks global trends, develops service delivery strategy and a citizen-centric culture

Leading Others 

€ Creates appropriate structures to promote team effectiveness 

€ Creates buy-in for a compelling vision that meets the goals of civil services 

€ Shares information and updates the team

 € Empowers, inspires and energizes the team to thrive in the changing environment 

€ Promotes an open culture, secures support and resolves conflicts


 € Acts as a role model and creates an open, honest and ethical culture 

€ Is unflinching on public service values in spite of extraneous pressure. 

€ Has the conviction to make and stand by decisions in public interest even at personal cost 

€ Is guided by public interest in conflicting situations 

€ Is honest and honours commitments 

Decision Making

 € Demonstrates decisiveness when under pressure or faced with uncertainty and/or limited information.

 € Makes long-term strategic decisions in interest of the society

 € Foresees impact of decisions and relies on analysis to make decisions in complex situations 

€ In case of ambiguity, gathers information/new data for decision making

 € Makes timely decisions based on applicable rules 

Self-Awareness and Self-Control 

€ Diffuses stressful situations and coaches/mentors others on ways to manage stress 

€ Is aware of self and listens to others’ point of view

 € Responds constructively and professionally under stress/adversity 

€ Manages emotional impulses and acts calmly in difficult situations 

€ Nurtures a culture of rationality and emotional maturity in the organization  

Innovative Thinking 

€ Applies learning from experience and identifies possible areas of improvement

 € Creates a culture of innovation, mobilizing the organizational resources to engineer change

 € Is open to new ideas and change

 € Encourages ‘out-of-the-box’ solutions and puts in place mechanisms to manage change

 € Proactively engages with stakeholders to effect continuous improvement in service 


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