Responsibility in the administrative system means?

 George R. Terry defines responsibility as an obligation of an individual to carry out the assigned activities to the best of one‟s ability

Responsibility in the administrative system is of five types: 

Organizational:; organizational responsibility is the basic structural feature of Weber‟s model of bureaucracy. The employees in such organization are arranged in superior subordinate relationship. The subordinate is accountable to his superior for fulfillment of assigned duties and functions.

  Legal :Administration have to act and carry out their official duties and responsibilities in a legal manner by following appropriate procedure, rules and regulations. They have to respect the established legislative and judicial process. They are liable to be held accountable for not following legal system.

Professional: The role of specialists have increased in administration owing to increase in technical natures of its functions. Consequently, specialists like doctors, engineers, legal experts, stasticians, economists, auditors and accountants play a significant role in administration. These professions have developed a code of conduct and norms of ethical behavior, which all the members of organizations should follow for healthy development of their profession and in the larger public interest. Recently, civil servant have also developed professional norms. These norms and code of behavior are enforced by individual conscience of administrative officials rather than any legal mechanism.

  Political :: In a democratic system the superiority of politicians in making polices, setting priorities and allocating resources is well established. As minister, they are the political head of ministry/department and accountable to the chief executive and legislature for the policy implementation, error of judgment and conduct and performance of official working under him.

 Moral:Moral responsibly is the soul of public administration. They are nowhere written in laws and office manuals but in modern context, they are more important than legal or institutional responsibility. Legislature, judiciary, media and civil society are persistently demanding to enforce moral responsibility in the management of public affairs. Recognizing the growing importance of moral values in view of increasing instance of corruption and malpractice, many training institutes have included moral values as part of their training module.


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