CONCEPT OF POWER AND DISTINCTION BETWEEN POWER AND AUTHORITY ?The distinction between authority and power is as follows:-?

 According to encyclopedia of governance, “Within human governance, power refers to the ability of a given individual, corporate body, political organization or political system to further interests shape behavior and inform strategies for action.

It Power has been defined as the ability to get things done despite the will and resistance of others. Max Weber defined Power “as the probability that one actor within a social relationship will be in a position to carry out his own will despite resistance.” M.P. Follet defines power as “the ability to make things happen, to be a causal agent, to initiate change.” 

 Authority defined  as “the character of an order in a formal organization by virtue of which it is accepted by a contributor or member of organization governing or determining what he does or is not to do so as the organization is concerned.”

Henry Fayol: “Authority is the right to give orders and power to exact obedience.” 

Chester Barnard defined power in terms of informal authority while the modern sociologist defines authority as „legitimate power‟. Thus it can be concluded that power is personal strength or skill of a person to get the things done. Power does not have the legal base. It inheres in the person and not in office. The distinction between authority and power is as follows:-


 1. Authority is the legitimate right of a superior to command the behavior of subordinates and seek their compliance willingly.

 2. It inheres in the office, with the change of incumbent officer, his authority also changes. 

3. Authority is legitimate. It is based on law. 

4. It serves as a base of formal organization. 

5. Authority is mostly well defined, forma and finite.

6The defining characteristics of authority is legitimacy


1. Power is the ability of a person to influence the behavior of another person to do certain things. 

2. It is vested in individual, his power remains the same despite the change in official position.

3. Power is based on strength, force, threat of punishment. It lacks legitimacy.

4. It serves as a base of informal organization

5. Power is informal, undefined and infinite

6. The defining characteristics of power is threat force and coercion 


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