Do you think The seed festival and bank will facilitate use of indigenous varieties and traditional farming which farmers have abandoned since the Green Revolution in India?
Since 2019, members of the Kondh tribe in Odisha’s Nayagarh district have added one more event to their calendar of festivals and celebrations. Called Bihan Mela, literally the seed festival, the event is participated by farmers from as many as 40 villages in Dasapalla block, sorrounded by hills and forests. The Seed Festival and Seed Bank can play an important role in facilitating the use of indigenous varieties and traditional farming methods that farmers have abandoned since the Green Revolution in India. These initiatives can help to promote the conservation and utilization of traditional seed varieties that are adapted to local conditions and have unique properties that are important for food security and environmental sustainability. The Seed Festival can help to raise awareness about the importance of traditional seed varieties and promote their use by showcasing their value and encouraging farmers to use them. The Seed Bank can provide a platform for farmers to exchange a...