measures that India can take to strengthen its healthcare system.


According to the latest Global Health Index, India ranks 117 out of 195 countries, with a score of 43.5 out of 100. To improve this ranking, there are several measures lime 

1. Increase Healthcare Spending: India currently spends only around 1.2% of its GDP on healthcare, which is much lower than the global average of 6%. By increasing healthcare spending, India can invest in building better healthcare infrastructure, increasing the number of doctors, nurses, and healthcare workers, and improving access to healthcare for all citizens.

2. Focus on Primary Healthcare: India needs to focus on strengthening its primary healthcare system by increasing the number of primary healthcare centers, upgrading their facilities, and training healthcare workers to provide better primary healthcare services. By providing quality primary healthcare, India can prevent many diseases and reduce the burden on secondary and tertiary healthcare facilities.

3. Improve Healthcare Infrastructure: India needs to invest in building better healthcare infrastructure, including hospitals, clinics, and diagnostic centers, especially in rural areas. Many people in rural areas do not have access to quality healthcare services due to the lack of healthcare facilities in their vicinity.

4. Increase the Number of Healthcare Workers: India currently has a shortage of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. By increasing the number of healthcare workers, India can provide better healthcare services and reduce the burden on existing healthcare workers.

5. Improve Access to Medicines: India needs to improve access to essential medicines by ensuring that they are available and affordable to all citizens. This can be done by implementing policies to regulate the prices of medicines and promoting the use of generic medicines.

Examples of successful healthcare initiatives in India include the National Health Mission, which aims to provide universal access to healthcare services, and the Ayushman Bharat scheme, which provides free healthcare to economically vulnerable families. By implementing such initiatives and taking measures to strengthen its healthcare system, India can improve its ranking in the Global Health Index and provide better healthcare services to its citizens.


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