Define Social morality ?

 Social Morality is a set of values and norms that exist in society. These are the rules that govern the members of a society on how they should behave with each other for their welfare and well-being. Social Morality does not have an exact definition as it varies from culture to culture depending on various beliefs, practices, traditions, or customs prevalent in society.

These are a set of values or conducts that are understood and accepted by members of society. Social Morality is important because it provides the guidelines for society to live in peace. It helps people live together in harmony and avoid conflict and tension among themselves. It is about how people behave towards others in their community. It can be done through social, economic, environmental, and political means.

One of the most critical aspects of social morality is that it provides an ethical framework for evaluating people's actions. It also helps to address ethical questions that are often encountered in society. Social morality determines how we behave towards one another and how we treat our communities, environments, and societies as a whole. It includes such concepts as rights, justice, equality, and liberty.

The components of social morality are:

Shared values: What we value in society determines how we judge right from wrong. Shared values consist of what people in a culture or society think are good or bad, desirable or undesirable.

Norms: Norms are social rules that guide behavior in a culture or society. These norms may be written down in law or unwritten customs. They may vary from place to place within a culture or society. Sometimes, these norms may change over time as people's opinions about acceptable change with time.

Philosophers have studied the concept of social morality for centuries to find out what makes people do what they do and why. The study of social morality combines psychology, anthropology, sociology, and ethics. The characteristics of social morality are being based on one's society, being based on one's culture, being based on one's family upbringing, and being based on one's personal experiences.

Social morality has various characteristics. These include, but are not limited to:

The importance of reciprocity: It ensures that people will treat others how they want to be treated in return.

The importance of hierarchy: Society needs some form of organization, so it's necessary for there to be a governing body.

Social morality deals with how people are expected to behave in public or even in private settings, such as how one should act in a court, during a wedding ceremony, funeral, etc. Social morality also deals with what people are expected to say and do in these settings.

Social morality is essential for two main reasons. First, society has evolved because of social morality. It has always been part of human culture to care about other people. This change can be seen in everything from politics to charitable organizations. Second, this field helps us understand how to be more empathetic by acknowledging that others have feelings like us.


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