"Every duty is holy and devotion to duty is the highest form of worship "How this relevant to Civil servants in India ?

 The statement "Every duty is holy, and devotion to duty is the highest form of worship" emphasizes the importance of duty and the idea that fulfilling one's obligations is a form of worship or reverence. 

In the context of civil servants 

1. Service to the Public: Civil servants have a unique responsibility to serve the public interest and work towards the welfare of society. Their duties often involve making decisions and taking actions that impact the lives of citizens. Viewing their duties as holy implies a sense of purpose and a recognition of the significance of their role in society.

Example : Effective implementation of welfare scheme till last mile beneficiary is duy of civil servant for welfare of the society  

2. Upholding the Rule of Law: Civil servants are tasked with upholding the rule of law and ensuring that the principles of justice and fairness are maintained. By considering their duty as a form of worship, civil servants are encouraged to approach their responsibilities with dedication and a commitment to justice, integrity, and impartiality.

Example : It is the duty of civil servant to boud with rule of law ,and implementation it duty to his/ her wisdom no above the law .During violence in regional agitations ,police officer duty is to maintain law and order with peace ,while implementing  must uphold rule of law .

3. Accountability and Trust: Civil servants hold positions of trust and authority, and their actions have a direct impact on the public's well-being. Recognizing duty as sacred reminds civil servants of the weight of their responsibilities and the need to act in the best interest of the public. It reinforces the importance of being accountable for their actions and decisions.

Example :  

4. Professionalism and Ethical Conduct: Devotion to duty implies a sense of professionalism and ethical conduct. Civil servants are expected to act with honesty, transparency, and professionalism in carrying out their responsibilities. Viewing their duty as a form of worship encourages civil servants to perform their tasks diligently and ethically, maintaining the highest standards of conduct.

Example :

5. Commitment to the Greater Good: The statement highlights the idea that devotion to duty extends beyond personal gain or individual interests. Civil servants are called to prioritize the welfare of the society they serve over personal or sectional interests. By embracing their duties as a form of worship, civil servants are reminded of their commitment to the greater good and are motivated to work for the betterment of society.

Example. : 

It's important to note that the principle of devotion to duty as worship can be applicable to various professions and roles beyond civil service. However, in the context of civil servants, it serves as a guiding principle to uphold the values of public service and the responsibilities associated with their roles in serving the community.


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