
Showing posts from September, 2023

Discuss how African Union joining G-20 Significance for India?

 The African Union is made up of 55 Member States representing all the countries on the African continent. These Member States are divided into five geographic regions. AU aims to achieve greater unity, cohesion and solidarity among the African countries and African nations. Gain for India from African Union’s entry in G-20 Solidifies India’s status as a key player in global governance, a nation championing inclusivity and diversity on the international stage; Backing the AU by India is a natural progression of their partnership, making it more than just symbolic, a strategic one taking into consideration a long history of cooperation between the two from trade and education to healthcare and technology; Endorsement by India carrying weight within the G20, particularly given its burgeoning economy and geopolitical influence; Gaining a unique opportunity by India to create a more diverse and representative platform, aligning perfectly with India’s own global aspirations to foster a mult

Examine the role of Startup and their contribution Growth of Indian economy ? 10Marks

 India ranks fourth in the world in the number of scaleups or startups that have received over $50 million of disclosed venture capital (VC) investment, according to the first edition of Startup Genome's Scaleup Report. India is ranked fourth with 429 scaleups, after the US (7,184), China (1,491), and the UK (623). However, India is ahead of the UK in total VC investment that has gone into these scaleups and in cumulative tech value investment of scaleups. The report stated that India recorded 429 scaleups, with a VC investment of $127 billion and a total value of tech investment of $446 billion. Today, India has firmly established herself as one of the largest global hubs for innovation and entrepreneurship. The country’s Startup ecosystem has been growing rapidly with the number of Startups increasing over 68 thousand between 2014 and June 2023, which has played a pivotal role in catalysing the Nation’s Reputation as the hotbed of innovation, revolutionary ideas, and technologies

Never Expected views from Singapore ...thank you ,please do contact us !

Simultaneous Elections on the Agenda in India by Vinod Rai

The holding of simultaneous elections to parliament, state assemblies and local bodies has been featured in the Bharatiya Janata Party’s manifesto. The government has now constituted a committee to recommend the conduct of these simultaneous elections. The committee is to make specific recommendations on amendments to the Constitution and the Representation of the People Act and if these amendments would require ratification by the states. This announcement has fuelled a debate among the political parties. The Indian government has announced the formation of a committee to examine the possibility of a system of ‘One Nation, One Election’, under which simultaneous elections would be held for the Lok Sabha, state assemblies and local bodies. The idea is about structuring the election cycle in a manner in which the elections to all three tiers are synchronised to be held within a given span of time. Till 1967, general elections were held simultaneously with the state legislative assembly


 EducatorIAS is a coaching institute in Hyderabad, India, that provides training and guidance for individuals preparing for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) examination. The IAS examination is one of the most competitive examinations in India, and EducatorIAS has a proven track record of helping students achieve their goals. EducatorIAS offers a comprehensive range of courses and services to prepare students for the IAS examination. These include: * Classroom coaching: EducatorIAS offers classroom coaching for all of the subjects covered in the IAS examination, including general studies, CSAT, and optional subjects. The classes are taught by experienced and qualified faculty members. * Online coaching: EducatorIAS also offers online coaching for the IAS examination. This is a good option for students who are unable to attend classroom coaching or who live in remote areas. * Test series: EducatorIAS offers a variety of test series to help students prepare for the IAS examination.

Aspirnats who are seeking for mentorship for 2024 ,please do contact us ,,we recently Identify many Indian aspirants from Singapore ,USA ,New Zealand are preparing UPSC from outside India .

Most of the people thinking that UPSC Aspirnats depressed during their prepartion?

 When Deepika Padukone shared her problem with  the word "Depression "during her interview in a tv show   ,it became new business model in Indian market for therapist,psychologist. Do you think people are depressed , especially UPSC Aspirnats when they fail the exam,  offcourse only point one percentage ,who cant digest failures from child brought ups .But since from ancient days onwards human transformation done in several ways ,in present modern due abundance technology solution people become lazy ...Laziness one of the route cause of the depression . Lets us  come to the point are UPSC  Aspirnats  depressed faces during the prepartion ?absolutely no I say ,they exhausted during prepartion ,their face look like  dull  but not depressed ,Aspirnats maintain diffrent time tables during their prepartion ,it's vary person to person ,Those who are sincere with  their goals they never depressed with failures ,they keep learning ,they keep moving ,they keep growing ,though they

Launching new course for one to one mentorship Guidance from September 2023 to September 2024 ,one year programme ,Prelims and Mains ?

Prelims PYQ Analysis , CSAT PYQ Analysis  Current Affairs  Mains  Paper 1,2,3,4 approach  Essay writing skills Content makeing  Notes making  Question and Answers Those who interested please contact us through email ,all course will be thought through Zoom or over phone ,With standard books like to line reading . Fee : Aspirnats wish  But fee will taken only Mentorship one to one around 10,000,/- for one year ,if any subject wise to discuss each subject charges around 3000/-Rupees . 1) only Saturday and Sunday spending time with  Aspirnats daily 2hrs prelims point of view and mains point of view one to one only  2) Giving Analysis of pyqs  3) Notes making skills 4) CSAT Approach  5) Mains Topics 6) Daily mcqs subject wise  7) Content making  Content is free in my blog ,Aspirnats can utilise for their preparation ,But please support us . Contact : We will discuss in zoom meeting mostly or over a phone .

2023 UPSC predict, Essays Topics


" The way for young man to raise is to improve himself in every way he can "Discuss the relevance of this statement for public servants to improve their performance ?

 The statement "The way for a young man to rise is to improve himself in every way he can" is relevant for public servants to improve their performance in the following ways: By acquiring new skills and knowledge Public servants need to be constantly learning and improving their skills in order to effectively serve the public. This includes taking courses, attending workshops, and reading professional literature. By developing their professional networks. Public servants can learn a lot from their colleagues and other professionals in their field. By attending conferences, joining professional organizations, and volunteering, public servants can expand their networks and gain new insights. By being proactive and taking initiative. Public servants should not wait for problems to come to them. They should be proactive in identifying and addressing issues. This shows that they are committed to their work and that they are willing to go the extra mile. By being honest and ethical

Truth of UPSC exam process ?

 1) Lengthy exam process cycle (max 14 months ) 2) Failures due  lack of  exam clarity /dynamic nature . 3)  Required some basic foundation skills before you attempt the exam. 4)Finally to support you ,need financial support and mental support from family .

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The idea of an Aryan invasion of the Indian subcontinent in favour of a theory of several waves of Indo-Aryan migrations?critically Examine?

 The debate surrounding the Aryan invasion theory versus the theory of multiple waves of Indo-Aryan migrations is a significant topic in the study of ancient Indian history and linguistics. Let's critically examine both theories to understand their strengths and weaknesses. **Aryan Invasion Theory**: The Aryan invasion theory, proposed in the 19th century, suggests that Indo-European-speaking Aryans from Central Asia invaded the Indian subcontinent around 1500 BCE. Proponents of this theory argue that these invaders brought Indo-Aryan languages, Vedic culture, and the caste system, reshaping the indigenous Dravidian culture. Strengths: 1. **Linguistic Evidence**: Linguistic analysis supports the idea of an external influence on the Indian subcontinent. Sanskrit, the language of the Vedas, shares linguistic similarities with other Indo-European languages. 2. **Archaeological Findings**: Some archaeological discoveries, like the Indus Valley Civilization's decline around 1900 BCE

How vedas helpful in constructing the history of ancient India ?

 The Vedas, a collection of ancient Indian scriptures, are invaluable in constructing the history of ancient India for several reasons: 1. Chronological References: The Vedas contain references to celestial events, seasons, and kings, allowing historians to establish a rough chronological framework. For example, the Rigveda mentions specific constellations and solstices, aiding in dating. 2. Geographical Insights: Descriptions of rivers, mountains, and regions in the Vedas help identify the geographical boundaries and changes over time. The mention of the Saraswati River, which is believed to have dried up around 1900 BCE, provides important geographical context. 3. Religious Practice: Vedas reveal the religious practices, rituals, and societal structures of ancient India. This helps historians understand the spiritual and social life of the time. For instance, the Yajurveda describes sacrificial rituals. 4. Linguistic Evolution: The Vedas showcase the evolution of the Sanskrit languag