Most of the people thinking that UPSC Aspirnats depressed during their prepartion?

 When Deepika Padukone shared her problem with  the word "Depression "during her interview in a tv show   ,it became new business model in Indian market for therapist,psychologist. Do you think people are depressed , especially UPSC Aspirnats when they fail the exam,  offcourse only point one percentage ,who cant digest failures from child brought ups .But since from ancient days onwards human transformation done in several ways ,in present modern due abundance technology solution people become lazy ...Laziness one of the route cause of the depression .

Lets us  come to the point are UPSC  Aspirnats  depressed faces during the prepartion ?absolutely no I say ,they exhausted during prepartion ,their face look like  dull  but not depressed ,Aspirnats maintain diffrent time tables during their prepartion ,it's vary person to person ,Those who are sincere with  their goals they never depressed with failures ,they keep learning ,they keep moving ,they keep growing ,though they  have failures they know how to manage their personal life .

Who are generally depressed ?

Now days Depression word became a buzz word for every aspirnats,during their prepartion.Why this happen ?

1) Anxiety makes Aspirnats  into depression ,this happen because aspirant thinks need to read alot ..this makes anxiety and adopting some methods to overcome it .

2)  Social mirror :Aspirnats not seeing his reflection in his/her  mirror ,because of social media they reflecting diffrent personalities and getting Anxiety not.doing their work properly .

3) Social pressure : Comparison is major threat for depression  during prepartion .

4) financial management / family / love : These are comon problems every one have , aspirants  , never cause depression ,They know how to manage .

5) Failure in exam : Failures is inevitable ,Some times failures make you to discover yourself .

6) Coaching institutes: More complexity more harmness ...They creating excessive of hardness in test series  ruined the young Aspirnats and creating dilemmas among the Aspirnats .

7) Lack of three 3 C'S : Consciousness ,Concept and clarity .

8) Habitat: Lacks of Habitats is also major threat  get into depression during preparation.

9) lacks of Relations and values 

10) When you  fight for a  dream ,if it not comes at  your door step ,it dones have value .So called " Air words " wil reflecting Aspirnats personality .

How to avoid the above big question for every one .but they few approaches where we can solve the problem ? Let discuss next article ?


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