Do you think decentralised of agriculture is the panacea for all the problems of farmers and agriculture in India ?
A griculture engages more than 42 per cent of the country's workforce, feeds a population of more than 1.3 billion, supplies inputs to many industries, and is the source of income for the largest consumer segment of the country. ‘ Grow local, sell local, consume local’ needs to be the mantra now, because decentralising the planning, procurement, processing, and selling of locally grown crops to local consumer preferences will be more agile and the most effective in the short term. Example : Bihar collaborated with India Post to sell litchi and mangoes state-wide during the Covid 1.0 lockdown. The initiative benefited local farmers and made consumers happy by assuring the delivery of their favourite products at reasonable prices. Benefits of decentralising of Agriculture It could promote local entrepreneurship development and employment opportunities. It also has the potential to create more jobs and livelihoods opportunities. provides opportunity fo...