Jain Dharma is an old Indian religion. The basic idea of Jainism is non-violence and respect for all the living beings Morality and virtues: Jainism related to the interconnection between religion and morality. One must live a good life as well go higher to divine perfection. There are different ethical standards and values for laymen and monks. To avoid pain and loss in living beings, practice of Dharma is most essential. Ten virtues of Jainism are humility, purity, non-attachment, self-restraint, super forbearance, straight forwardness, truthfulness and complete renunciation. Thoughts, actions and speech are governed by these virtues. Dharma (religion) and morality are related to each other. Equality in men and women A book on ‘Jain system of education’ clearly states that Jains laid stress on educating all the individuals, kings, princes, princesses and even laymen. Their main aim was to provide knowledge and wisdom to all men and women to build their character by p...